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Respiratory and Infectious Diseases

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Dr. Lin Liu

DirectorHeadshot of Dr. Lin Liu

Dr. Liu joined CVHS, OSU as Associate Professor of Physiological Sciences in 2000. He was promoted to Full Professor in 2004, appointed as Lundberg-Kienlen Endowed Chair in Biomedical Research in 2008, and Regents Professor, the most prestigious position that may be attained in recognition of scholarly accomplishments by OSU faculty, in 2009.Dr. Liu was selected as a Riata Faculty Fellow in the OSU School of Entrepreneurship in 2010.Read More Here>>

Dr. Jordan Metcalf

Co-DirectorHeadshot of Dr. Jordan Metcalf

Dr. Metcalf is a full time Professor in the Pulmonary and Critical Care Division at OUHSC. Dr. Metcalf brings an understanding of basic clinical and translational problems the center. He was appointed to the Virginia and Jean Rumsey Endowed Chair in Pulmonary Disease Research in 2000. He serves as a clinical attending physician on both the inpatient ICU services at OUHSC and the Oklahoma City VA Health Sciences Center. 

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Dr. Tom Oomens

Associate DirectorHeadshot of Dr. Tom Oomens

Dr. Oomens is a full time Associate Professor in the Department of Veterinary Pathology in the College of Veterinary Medicine at OSU. He was a successful Phase I Project Leader and has developed a close working relationship with Dr. Liu and Dr. Metcalf. Dr. Oomens will provide day-to-day oversight of center operations and administration, including assisting core directors in setting work priorities, coordinating recommendations for major purchases of supplies and equipment updates, recruiting technical support staff, and in assisting the resolution of the other budget issues with Core Directors and Project Directors.  

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Erin Langford-Loftis

Assistant DirectorErin Langford-Loftis


173 McElroy Hall

Oklahoma State University 

Stillwater, OK, 74075






Isabelle Pugh

Fundraising and Sponsorship Coordinator

Contact: isabelle pugh in field of flowers in a black top and yellow skirt


173 McElroy Hall

Oklahoma State University 

Stillwater, OK, 74075.








Sadie Allen

Social Media Coordinator



173 McElroy Hall

Oklahoma State University 

Stillwater, OK, 74075.




