Pilot Project Grant Information
Centers of Biomedical Research Excellence (CoBRE)
Call for Proposals
2025-2026 Pilot Project Grants
The Oklahoma Center for Respiratory and Infectious Diseases (OCRID) invites applications for Pilot Project Grants. The purpose of the pilot project grant program is to provide seed funding to generate preliminary data for an extramural research grant application. Applicants must propose a project that fits into the central theme of the OCRID research areas, i.e., infectious diseases of the respiratory system and associated complications. Projects to investigate long COVID are highly encouraged. For information regarding resources and expertise in this area available from OCRID, please contact OCRID director, Dr. Lin Liu (lin.liu@okstate.edu). Projects that use OCRID research cores (Animal Model Core, Immunopathology Core and Molecular Biology and Genomics Core) are also encouraged, as are projects that incorporate novel and advanced technologies, including, but not limited to, single-cell and spatial transcriptomics, cell-specific knockout/transgene, cell lineage tracing, machine learning/AI, organoids and stem cell technologies, human lung cell and tissue models, etc. OCRID also encourages applicants to consider the unique opportunities of having several Core-provided services in (A)BSL-3 settings. OCRID and its associated Cores will also provide infrastructure and research guidance to pilot project applicants and awardees as needed to help develop their projects.
- Full-time faculty members of any rank who have achieved an independent status at OSU, OU-HSC, OU Norman or OMRF are eligible to apply.
- Previous recipients of OCRID pilot projects grants may A progress report from the previous funding period must be included. We prefer proposed projects to be distinct from previous OCRID projects or pilot projects.
- Previous unfunded OCRID pilot projects may be resubmitted and responses to previous critiques must be included.
- Concurrent full research project or pilot project support from more than one IDeA award and support of a Research Project Leader by the COBRE mechanism beyond a total of five years are not allowed per NIH guidelines.
Project timeline and Funding levels: Up to 3 projects will be awarded a 9-month pilot project grant at a level of $25,000 to $50,000. Applicants have the option to request to extend the 1-year project with a second year with a year-2 funding level equal to that of year 1. To utilize this option, applicants must clearly define the research plan and milestones/timelines for year 1 and year 2. Awarding a second year of funding will be contingent upon demonstration of significant progress in year 1 and strong prospects for obtaining extramural funding.
Important Dates:
Application deadline: February 3-, 2025, by 5 pm
Anticipated Start Date: October 1, 2025
Funding End Date: June 30, 2026 (no extensions will be granted)
Application Submission: Applicants should submit a complete application (see format below) in a single PDF file to ocrid@okstate.edu with Last Name_OCRID Grants_2025 on subject line. NOTE: If you do not receive confirmation of your application within 7 days of the application deadline, please contact us at ocrid@okstate.edu.
All proposals will be pre-screened by the OCRID Executive Committee regarding suitability for OCRID support. Proposals that have passed the initial screen will be evaluated and scored by one member of OCRID External Advisory Committee and one member of the OCRID Scientific Advisory Committee. The review criteria include the investigator’s eligibility for CoBRE research support, project relevance to the CoBRE central theme, scientific merit of the project, the potential for developing an extramural grant proposal, the PI’s productivity and potential to become an independent NIH-funded investigator and the utilization of OCRID research cores.
Proposal Preparation:
Proposals must be typed, single spaced with minimum 1" margins top, bottom & sides, and using a font no less than 11 point, and must not exceed the page limitations as indicated below.
- Use PHS398 forms and instructions (http://grants.nih.gov/grants/funding/phs398/phs398.html) and only the following sections should be submitted:
- Face Page.
- Project Summary (Page 2) (<250 words): this may be used for the OCRID website if project is funded.
- Research Strategy Section (limit 5 pages, excluding references)
- In addition to the strategy, the 5-page Research Strategy Section must also include:
- External Funding Plan (list specific plan and timeline for obtaining external funding for the proposed research; explain how the results from this project will enhance this effort; and where you will apply).
- Indicate whether and how your project will utilize the OCRID Research Cores (see a list of Core services on OCRID website https://ocrid.okstate.edu/), identify specific services you plan to use for your pilot project and include budget for these services in the application. If the use of OCRID Core Facilities is proposed in the application, then awardees must utilize the Core Facilities as proposed. Failing to do so may result in ineligibility for second year funding or future pilot applications. Active pilot projects will be charged only 50% of the OCRID core use fees.
- For applicants who previously received OCRID pilot project support, an additional one-page progress report (not included in the 5-page limit) must be provided, including project progress, publications/abstracts/presentations and grants submitted or obtained as a result of the previous OCRID funding. If the use of OCRID services were proposed in the previous pilot projects, indicate whether these services were completed by OCRID. If not, why?
- For applicants who resubmit a previously unfunded OCRID pilot project grant, one additional page (not included in the five-page limit) to address previous critiques must be provided.
- For applicants who propose a two-year project, one additional page for Research Strategy is allowed (but not required).
- References (not included in 5-page limit)
- Vertebrate Animals (if applicable). Follow Section 5.5.5. in the instructions, S. DHHS Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398) (nih.gov) (not included in 5-page limit)
- PHS FORMS E - Human Subjects and Clinical Trials Information Form (if applicable). Follow Section 5.5.12 in the instructions, S. DHHS Public Health Service Grant Application (PHS 398) (nih.gov) (not included in 5-page limit)
- Budget & Personnel Justification
- Use NIH budget Form Page 4: Provide a detailed Budget for Initial Budget Period. For applicants who propose a two-year project, also use Form Page 5: Budget for Entire Proposed Project Period must also be included (see Instructions and Form Files for PHS 398 (nih.gov)).
- Budget justification (limit 1 page)
- Salary for faculty and equipment are NOT allowed for a pilot project. However, the effort levels (calendar months) committed to the project should be included.
- Pilot Projects cannot over1ap with ongoing funded projects. Funds cannot be used for graduate student stipend, postdoctoral training, or alterations and renovations per NIH guidelines.
Additional information for the budget
The CoBRE will fund $25,000 for all awarded pilot projects and additional matching funds of $25,000 are committed from the OSU Office of Vice President for Research for OSU non-CVM applicants, $25,000 from OSU CVM for CVM applicants, or $10,000 from the OUHSC College of Pharmacy (COP) for COP applicants.
- For OSU applicants, the budget for a pilot project should be $50,000 in direct costs (DC) only.
- For OU-HSC COP applicants, the budget for a pilot project should be $35,000 [$10,000 (DC) from COP and $25,000 (DC and F &A at an institutional F & A rate combined)].
- For other non-OSU applicants, budget for a pilot project should be $25,000 (DC and F & A at an
institutional F & A rate combined).
- For Biosketches of PI and key personnel, use the NIH format available at: (https://grants.nih.gov/grants/forms/biosketch.htm).
- Awardees are required to attend OCRID weekly meetings (Wednesdays, 12:15 pm to 1:30 pm) and give a presentation at OCRID seminar and the Annual OCRID Research Symposium.
- If the use of OCRID Core Facilities is proposed in the Research Strategy, then awardees must utilize the Core Facilities for the proposed research.
- Awardees are required to submit an external proposal within 6 months of the end of a pilot project as a condition of acceptance of the award.
- Awardees MUST acknowledge this grant support as well as CoBRE Research Core support (if applicable) in each publication, presentation, press release, or any other document resulting from the proposed research. A disclaimer should be included such as "This work was supported (in part, if applicable) by the NIGMS/NIH under Award Number P30GM149368".
DO NOT attach other materials to the proposal. Approvals for animal use and human subjects are not required at the time of submission. However, funds will not be released until proof of such approvals is presented. To avoid delays in case projects are funded, applicants are advised to submit their protocols for institutional approval prior to the anticipated award announcements.